Influenza vaccination coverage by area
This page shows weekly updated seasonal influenza vaccination coverage by region. Data are available by week, vaccination season and age group. The data is presented as a map and as a downloadable table. You can make selections using the drop-down menus on the left-hand side of the page. You can select the week, vaccination season and age group to view. You can choose between welfare areas or municipalities for the regional breakdown of the map presentation. In the table view, you can compare the data of the regions with each other.
The contents source is the Vaccination registry at THL. The report contains vaccinations for persons that are found in the Finnish Population Information System. The age and home municipality of vaccinated persons are derived from the current situation and vaccination coverage is estimated based on the latest population information.
Vaccination coverage by area on a map (Season 2024-2025, Week 36, All ages)

Vaccination coverage by area as a table in All areas (Season 2024-2025, Week 36, All ages)