Results by measure on a hospital district map, physicians
Source: Electronic health records as physicians' tools in Finland 2010, 2014, 2017 och 2021. Controller: The Finnish Medical Association; Partners: Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, University of Oulu and Aalto University
Measure: Number of respondents to the survey
Year: 2021
EMR system: All information systems
Whole country: 4 640

The study: Electronic health records as physicians’ tools was conducted for the fourth time in February 2021. The data collection has been previously conducted in 2010, 2014 and 2017. The study group consisted of researchers from Aalto University, University of Oulu, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare and The Finnish Medical Association. The questionnaire was sent to 19 142 physicians under the age of 65 who live in Finland. The questionnaire was answered by 4 683 physicians, which is about every fourth physician (24,5%). 43 responses were removed from the data because the respondent reported that they did not use health care information systems at all. The results are based on 4640 physician responses. The respondents represent the target group well.
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