Time trend in the levels of harmful substances in fish

The graphs show the time trend in the median levels of contaminants for the fish species that data is available. By default, the graphs show dioxin ie. PCDD/F concentrations in the Bothnian Sea. You can change the catch area or contaminant or filter by size category (only Baltic herring) from the dropdown menus. If no graph is displayed under the name of the species, no analytical results are available in the catch area selected for that species. From the “Export table” dropdown menu you can download numerical data used in the graphs as CSV or Excel format or the graphs themselves in PNG format. In the calculation of median levels, values below the laboratory limit of quantification have been treated as zero (lower bound method). More information about the database and the projects where data has been gathered can be found by clicking the ”Read more” button in the upper right corner of the page.