Filter data

Respondents to the survey Number Number of respondents to the survey 21 21 21 21 139 135 121 130 30 25 26 12
Citizen Availability of services for health promotion Citizen: Reliable health information available % 95,2 95,2 79,3 83,8 65,4 91,7
Citizen: Self-assessment services of health available % 14,3 28,6 42,9 47,6 18,7 31,1 40,5 42,3 6,7 12,0 7,7 25,0
Citizen: Self-assessment services of health involve automatic advice % 33,3 23,8 24,0 25,4 0,0 8,3
Availability of help in choosing services Citizen: Service descriptions available % 95,2 100,0 81,0 95,2 100,0 94,8 93,4 95,4 86,7 100,0 96,2 100,0
Citizen: Information about the quality of services available % 42,9 61,9 22,3 45,4 38,5 41,7
Citizen: Search function from service providers available % 28,6 47,6 52,4 52,4 34,5 37,0 28,9 36,9 23,3 36,0 42,3 41,7
Availability of electronic Q & A service Citizen: An anonym Q & A service available % 14,3 33,3 33,3 42,9 10,8 14,1 15,7 31,5 20,0 28,0 23,1 16,7
Citizen: Q & A service (requiring identification) available % 0,0 14,3 28,6 33,3 17,3 17,8 18,2 27,7 3,3 16,0 19,2 25,0
Availability of support services for service use Citizen: Possibility to send preliminary data electronically % 9,5 33,3 57,1 76,2 7,9 17,0 32,2 40,0 10,0 32,0 26,9 41,7
Citizen: e-booking available % 71,4 85,7 90,5 100,0 19,4 51,9 68,6 64,6 50,0 80,0 88,5 91,7
Patient data available electronically Citizen: Patient record text available (on top of My Kanta) % 0,0 4,8 0,0 4,8 0,7 4,4 6,6 5,4 0,0 4,0 11,5 33,3
Citizen: Laboratory results available (on top of My Kanta) % 0,0 19,0 23,8 28,6 1,4 14,8 19,0 16,9 0,0 16,0 15,4 33,3
Citizen: Imaging statements available (on top of My Kanta) % 0,0 0,0 0,0 4,8 0,0 3,0 1,7 3,1 0,0 12,0 15,4 25,0
Citizen: Medication information available (on top of My Kanta) % 23,8 9,5 19,0 19,3 13,2 13,1 20,0 11,5 33,3
Citizen: Diagnoses available (on top of My Kanta) % 9,5 9,5 9,5 8,1 11,6 8,5 12,0 11,5 33,3
Citizen: A system for prescription renewals available (on top of My Kanta) % 14,3 9,5 18,5 10,7 4,0 11,5
Citizen: Customer-specific electronic care plan available % 19,0 19,0 17,4 12,3 3,8 33,3
My Kanta Pages Citizen: Prescription renewals available via My Kanta % 66,7 97,5 23,1
Availability of data exchange services Citizen: A system for receiving patients' self-produced data % 33,3 47,6 71,4 2,2 20,0 27,3 42,3 0,0 16,0 15,4 33,3
Citizen: A real-time distance service available % 0,0 14,3 47,6 90,5 2,2 7,4 28,1 48,5 0,0 4,0 42,3 75,0
Citizen: Encrypted telecommunication with patients available % 0,0 52,4 66,7 34,7 47,7 20,0 24,0 73,1 91,7
Citizen: Possibility to leave customer feedback available % 42,9 66,7 95,2 100,0 35,3 54,1 77,7 79,2 53,3 72,0 88,5 91,7
Citizen: Remote consultation (video) with another unit available % 71,4 76,2 27,3 32,3
Professional Electronic patient record (EPR) Professional: EPR in use, respondents N 21 21 21 21 139 135 119 130 29 25 26 12
Professional: EPR in use % 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
Professional: EPR's utilization rate, respondents N 21 21 21 21 139 132 112 125 29 24 23 12
Professional: EPR's utilization rate at least 90 %, % 71,4 85,7 95,2 95,2 95,0 91,7 100,0 99,2 82,8 87,5 95,7 91,7
Professional: EPR's utilization rate at least 90 % in the conservative sector % 95,2 95,2 100,0 100,0
Professional: EPR's utilization rate at least 90 % in the operational sector % 90,5 95,2 100,0 100,0
Professional: EPR's utilization rate at least 90 % in the psychiatric sector % 95,2 95,2 100,0 100,0
Professional: EPR's utilization rate at least 90 % in the emergency services % 81,0 85,7 95,2 95,2
Professional: Key parts of EHR accessible with a single sign-on % 52,4 85,7 76,2 39,3 42,1 49,2 36,0 30,8 50,0
Professional: Medication list available % 100,0 100,0 98,3 96,9 57,7 91,7
Professional: Vaccination summary available % 61,9 71,4 91,7 92,3 50,0 75,0
Professional: Context-sensitive summary view available % 95,2 90,5 71,9 80,8 15,4 16,7
Professional: Risk information available % 100,0 100,0 99,2 97,7 80,8 91,7
Professional: Graphical representation of vital signs available % 81,0 90,5 61,2 63,8 11,5 33,3
Patient lists available Professional: Listing patients based on diagnosis available % 42,9 33,3 47,6 48,1 28,9 36,9 20,0 34,6 33,3
Professional: Listing patients based on laboratory results available % 28,6 23,8 33,3 33,3 27,3 35,4 12,0 26,9 33,3
Professional: Listing patients based on medication available % 19,0 9,5 28,6 20,7 12,4 15,4 4,0 15,4 0,0
Professional: Listing patients based on examination needs available % 19,0 23,8 11,6 20,0 15,4 0,0
Availability of decision support systems regionally Professional: decision support system available % 90,5 95,2 100,0 100,0 97,8 95,6 93,4 94,6 83,3 88,0 80,8 75,0
Professional: Pre-assembled examination packages available % 71,4 71,4 71,4 40,0 42,1 45,4 52,0 50,0 58,3
Professional: Drug interaction system available % 61,9 81,0 100,0 100,0 88,5 82,2 92,6 85,4 50,0 52,0 69,2 33,3
Professional: Alerts of drug allergies available % 66,7 81,0 81,0 55,6 56,2 73,1 60,0 50,0 75,0
Professional: An integrated system that supports clinical pathway protocols % 19,0 9,5 9,5 3,7 9,9 8,5 8,0 0,0 0,0
Workplace training about information management Professional: Comprehensive training on data protection/ security % 57,1 76,2 76,2 85,7 46,0 73,3 76,0 74,6 53,3 68,0 69,2 83,3
Information exchange between service systems Information exchange in emergency medical care Service systems: ECG used by medical transport compatible with hospital's system % 57,1 95,2
Availability of information exchange services regionally Service systems: ERVA patient information archives in use for ECG data % 28,6 19,0
Service systems: A regional information systems in use % 61,9 52,4 78,5 67,7 11,5 8,3
Service systems: Organization has joined the joint register under the Health Care Act % 81,0 81,0 76,2 64,4 92,6 87,7
Service systems: Electronic referral available % 85,7 81,0 100,0 100,0 85,6 87,4 100,0 96,9 0,0 12,0 15,4 41,7
Service systems: Reception of discharge letter (epicrisis) available % 52,4 71,4 81,0 81,0 84,9 80,7 99,2 95,4 6,7 32,0 26,9 50,0
Service systems: Consultation letter available % 66,7 85,7 100,0 100,0 78,4 79,3 89,3 91,5 0,0 20,0 11,5 25,0
Service systems: Sending of discharge letter (epicrisis) available % 90,5 85,7 95,2 95,2 6,7 20,0 26,9 41,7
Service systems: Sending of discharge letter (nursing care) available % 42,9 38,1 47,6 66,7 0,0 26,9 33,3
Service systems: Electronic reception of nursing feedback available % 23,8 23,8 42,9 57,1 18,7 26,7 58,7 61,5 0,0 19,2 33,3
Service systems: Ordering of lab examinations available regionally (on top of Kanta) % 76,2 61,9 71,4 48,1 60,3 54,6 4,0 3,8 16,7
Service systems: Laboratory results available regionally (on top of Kanta) % 95,2 100,0 100,0 95,2 71,2 86,7 90,9 83,1 12,0 3,8 16,7
Service systems: Imaging research statements available regionally (on top of Kanta) % 71,4 100,0 100,0 100,0 20,1 83,7 90,1 90,8 12,0 15,4 50,0
Service systems: Imaging results (images) available regionally (on top of Kanta) % 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 77,0 83,0 94,2 93,1 24,0 19,2 41,7
Service systems: Textual patient record data available regionally (on top of Kanta) % 90,5 95,2 95,2 100,0 69,1 77,0 85,1 84,6 4,0 11,5 33,3
Service systems: Medication list data available regionally % 23,8 33,3 28,6 29,6 33,9 22,3 0,0 0,0 0,0
Service systems: Information on basic organ functions available regionally (on top of Kanta) % 47,6 57,1 47,6 29,6 38,0 30,8 4,0 0,0 8,3
Service systems: Allergy information available regionally (on top of Kanta) % 52,4 66,7 61,9 40,0 52,1 46,9 4,0 3,8 0,0
Service systems: Vaccination information available regionally (on top of Kanta) % 52,4 57,1 42,9 32,6 45,5 40,8 4,0 3,8 0,0
Regional data exchange available Service systems: Healthcare organization can view data from social service's client information system % 19,0 9,5 33,3 28,6 20,1 28,9 38,0 29,2 0,0
Service systems: Social service organisations can view data from the health information system % 38,1 28,6 61,9 61,9 30,9 41,5 53,7 44,6 0,0
Management Data for management available Management: Operations management of daily patient work integrated to the system % 33,3 61,9 66,7 11,1 24,8 30,8 12,0 38,5 58,3
Management: Monitoring the quality of operations integrated to the system % 81,0 90,5 18,2 27,7 34,6 50,0
Management: Monitoring the achievement of unit's objectives integrated to the system % 81,0 81,0 38,8 41,5 53,8 66,7
Management: Monitoring the use of unit resources integrated to the system % 19,0 76,2 85,7 11,1 32,2 32,3 12,0 50,0 58,3
Management: Research innovation, and business functions integrated to the system % 42,9 57,1 10,7 9,2 26,9 58,3
Management: local or regional operational data repositories in use % 66,7 71,4 81,0 85,7 23,0 20,7 34,7 37,7 13,3 16,0 23,1 50,0
Info structure Information security Info structure: A recorded security policy in use % 81,0 95,2 100,0 100,0 67,6 85,9 89,3 95,4 50,0 84,0 88,5 91,7
Info structure: A recorded data security plan in use % 71,4 76,2 81,0 90,5 70,5 83,7 90,9 93,1 60,0 84,0 92,3 91,7
Info structure: A recorded Business Continuity Plan in use % 71,4 57,1 66,7
Info structure: A recorded Disaster Discovery Plan in use % 81,0 57,1 76,2
Information structures in use Info structure: AR/LOMAKE - Personal data form in use % 23,8 52,4 28,8 48,1 64,5 20,0 36,0 26,9
Info structure: AR/YDIN - The primary nature of diagnosis/ procedure or treatment in use % 52,4 52,4 76,2 25,9 44,4 65,3 16,7 8,0 34,6
Info structure: AR/YDIN - The stage of care process in use % 23,8 42,9 71,4 17,3 39,3 65,3 3,3 4,0 34,6
Info structure: AR/YDIN - Type of risk information in use % 71,4 81,0 61,5 76,9 8,0 42,3
Info structure: Fimea - ATC Classification in use % 81,0 81,0 41,0 54,8 73,6 16,7 16,0 23,1
Info structure: FinLOINC - Physiological measurements in use % 23,8 66,7 11,5 28,9 51,2 10,0 0,0 15,4
Info structure: Nursing - Care needs 3.0 in use % 52,4 26,7 43,8 0,0 7,7
Info structure: Nursing - Care needs 2.0.1 in use % 23,8 27,4 28,9 0,0 11,5
Info structure: Nursing - Activity type 3.0 in use % 52,4 24,4 43,0 0,0 7,7
Info structure: Nursing - Activity type 2.0.1 in use % 23,8 25,9 27,3 0,0 11,5
Info structure: Nursing - Outcome classification in use % 38,1 27,4 37,2 0,0 3,8
Info structure: Association of Municipalities - ICPC A classification of primary health care in use % 9,5 38,1 52,4 37,4 69,6 76,0 3,3 0,0 34,6
Info structure: Association of Municipalities - Assistive device services' nomenclature in use % 71,4 76,2 41,5 54,5 0,0 11,5
Info structure: Association of Municipalities - Physiotherapy nomenclature in use % 61,9 61,9 66,7 34,5 42,2 58,7 36,7 20,0 19,2
Info structure: Association of Municipalities - Laboratory diagnostics nomenclature in use % 81,0 81,0 85,7 79,9 67,4 75,2 76,7 48,0 42,3
Info structure: Association of Municipalities - Radiology research and procedure classification in use % 85,7 81,0 85,7 77,0 63,7 77,7 76,7 48,0 46,2
Info structure: Association of Municipalities - occupational therapy nomenclature in use % 52,4 66,7 66,7 14,4 26,7 42,1 13,3 4,0 11,5
Info structure: PTHAVO - primary health care's non-institutional healthcare action classification in use % 38,1 42,9 69,6 82,6 4,0 11,5
Info structure: SFS/THL - Aid device classification in use % 71,4 52,4 66,7 43,9 43,7 52,1 0,0 4,0 7,7
Info structure: STM - Health care duty classification in use % 33,3 33,3 33,3 15,1 24,4 43,0 3,3 8,0 11,5
Info structure: THL -SOTE-organization registry in use % 52,4 71,4 85,7 26,6 60,7 72,7 0,0 28,0 34,6
Info structure: THL - Oral health care procedure classification in use % 61,9 66,7 66,7 81,3 64,4 84,3 6,7 8,0 23,1
Info structure: THL - ICD-10 in use % 85,7 85,7 95,2 92,1 78,5 90,1 80,0 60,0 61,5
Info structure: THL - Source of information in use % 9,5 23,8 33,3 18,7 22,2 35,5 6,7 4,0 26,9
Info structure: THL - procedure classification in use % 85,7 76,2 81,0 61,2 62,2 80,2 60,0 32,0 42,3
Info structure: THL/Data content - Health and care plan in use % 14,3 23,8 24,4 33,9 8,0 23,1
Info structure: THL/Data content - Diagnosis in use % 66,7 90,5 57,8 77,7 32,0 46,2
Info structure: HL/Data content - imaging tests in use % 61,9 85,7 48,9 67,8 28,0 42,3
Info structure: HL/Data content - Laboratory tests in use % 52,4 81,0 50,4 66,9 24,0 38,5
Info structure: THL/Data content - Risk information in use % 66,7 90,5 55,6 77,7 16,0 42,3
Info structure: THL/Data content - Vaccination information in use % 38,1 61,9 57,8 79,3 28,0 30,8
Info structure: THL/Data content - Procedures in use % 71,4 85,7 51,1 74,4 20,0 30,8
Common standards Info structure: OVT/ EDI messages in use % 28,6 38,1 42,9 42,9
Info structure: HL7 CDA R1 in use % 66,7 66,7 33,3 47,6
Info structure: HL7 CDA R2 in use % 38,1 52,4 90,5 100,0
Info structure: DICOM in use % 85,7 100,0 100,0 100,0
Info structure: referral and care feedback XML messages in use % 66,7 81,0 66,7 85,7
Info structure: IHE-XDS in use % 9,5 23,8 23,8
Info structure: HL7 CCD (continuity of care document) in use % 9,5 4,8 9,5 1,5
Info structure: HL7 FHIR in use % 4,8 19,0
Steering and cooperation Regional and national cooperation of information system architecture Cooperation: Involved in expert groups that develop regional IS architecture % 95,2 71,4 90,5 90,5 36,0 30,4 70,2 68,5 10,0 8,0 11,5 16,7
Cooperation: Involved in online development work of regional IS architecture % 47,6 47,6 76,2 81,0 15,8 22,2 42,1 54,6 6,7 12,0 3,8 8,3
Cooperation: Has participated to workshops that develop regional IS architecture % 95,2 85,7 95,2 81,0 43,9 45,2 60,3 62,3 23,3 32,0 11,5 16,7
Cooperation: Has provided expert opinions on the development of regional IS architecture % 90,5 90,5 95,2 90,5 35,3 43,0 55,4 61,5 16,7 28,0 7,7 25,0
Cooperation: Has had direct contact concerning the development of regional IS architecture % 71,4 61,9 90,5 85,7 20,1 30,4 60,3 50,8 6,7 32,0 19,2 16,7