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Girls 2-6 Children with growth data in Avohimo, number (n) 63 310,00 63 793,00 95 082,00 66 215,00 71 840,00 77 967,00
Overweight (incl. obesity), number of children (n) 9 086,00 9 320,00 13 857,00 10 706,00 11 292,00 11 315,00
Obesity, number of children (n) 1 779,00 1 897,00 2 806,00 2 307,00 2 550,00 2 313,00
Population belonging to the group concerned (n) 145 098,00 141 857,00 137 411,00 132 196,00 126 473,00 122 528,00
Coverage of height and weight data (%) 43,63 44,97 69,20 50,09 56,80 63,63
Prevalence of overweight (incl. obesity) (%) 14,35 14,61 14,57 16,17 15,72 14,51
Prevalence of obesity (%) 2,81 2,97 2,95 3,48 3,55 2,97
7-12 Children with growth data in Avohimo, number (n) 72 624,00 72 906,00 112 542,00 70 193,00 80 606,00 91 005,00
Overweight (incl. obesity), number of children (n) 12 733,00 12 711,00 19 800,00 13 552,00 15 652,00 16 953,00
Obesity, number of children (n) 2 259,00 2 281,00 3 676,00 2 725,00 3 129,00 3 368,00
Population belonging to the group concerned (n) 180 918,00 182 245,00 182 816,00 182 662,00 181 872,00 179 811,00
Coverage of height and weight data (%) 40,14 40,00 61,56 38,43 44,32 50,61
Prevalence of overweight (incl. obesity) (%) 17,53 17,43 17,59 19,31 19,42 18,63
Prevalence of obesity (%) 3,11 3,13 3,27 3,88 3,88 3,70
13-16 Children with growth data in Avohimo, number (n) 42 701,00 43 202,00 67 772,00 42 727,00 50 720,00 59 081,00
Overweight (incl. obesity), number of children (n) 8 558,00 8 780,00 13 805,00 8 804,00 10 497,00 11 893,00
Obesity, number of children (n) 1 768,00 1 901,00 3 098,00 1 971,00 2 295,00 2 677,00
Population belonging to the group concerned (n) 115 074,00 116 251,00 118 392,00 119 674,00 121 027,00 122 839,00
Coverage of height and weight data (%) 37,11 37,16 57,24 35,70 41,91 48,10
Prevalence of overweight (incl. obesity) (%) 20,04 20,32 20,37 20,61 20,70 20,13
Prevalence of obesity (%) 4,14 4,40 4,57 4,61 4,52 4,53
All ages Children with growth data in Avohimo, number (n) 178 635,00 179 901,00 275 396,00 179 135,00 203 166,00 228 053,00
Overweight (incl. obesity), number of children (n) 30 377,00 30 811,00 47 462,00 33 062,00 37 441,00 40 161,00
Obesity, number of children (n) 5 806,00 6 079,00 9 580,00 7 003,00 7 974,00 8 358,00
Population belonging to the group concerned (n) 441 090,00 440 353,00 438 619,00 434 532,00 429 372,00 425 178,00
Coverage of height and weight data (%) 40,50 40,85 62,79 41,22 47,32 53,64
Prevalence of overweight (incl. obesity) (%) 17,01 17,13 17,23 18,46 18,43 17,61
Prevalence of obesity (%) 3,25 3,38 3,48 3,91 3,92 3,66
Boys 2-6 Children with growth data in Avohimo, number (n) 66 435,00 66 843,00 99 381,00 69 038,00 75 236,00 81 132,00
Overweight (incl. obesity), number of children (n) 16 223,00 16 173,00 23 695,00 18 395,00 18 998,00 19 066,00
Obesity, number of children (n) 3 789,00 3 809,00 5 602,00 4 521,00 4 862,00 4 532,00
Population belonging to the group concerned (n) 152 063,00 148 478,00 143 832,00 138 511,00 132 271,00 128 010,00
Coverage of height and weight data (%) 43,69 45,02 69,10 49,84 56,88 63,38
Prevalence of overweight (incl. obesity) (%) 24,42 24,20 23,84 26,64 25,25 23,50
Prevalence of obesity (%) 5,70 5,70 5,64 6,55 6,46 5,59
7-12 Children with growth data in Avohimo, number (n) 75 246,00 75 476,00 117 350,00 73 199,00 84 674,00 95 495,00
Overweight (incl. obesity), number of children (n) 19 696,00 20 527,00 32 739,00 21 735,00 24 896,00 26 792,00
Obesity, number of children (n) 5 670,00 6 095,00 10 114,00 7 022,00 8 108,00 8 685,00
Population belonging to the group concerned (n) 189 032,00 190 514,00 191 039,00 191 118,00 190 183,00 188 282,00
Coverage of height and weight data (%) 39,81 39,62 61,43 38,30 44,52 50,72
Prevalence of overweight (incl. obesity) (%) 26,18 27,20 27,90 29,69 29,40 28,06
Prevalence of obesity (%) 7,54 8,08 8,62 9,59 9,58 9,09
13-16 Children with growth data in Avohimo, number (n) 43 969,00 44 725,00 70 304,00 43 547,00 52 289,00 61 465,00
Overweight (incl. obesity), number of children (n) 11 859,00 12 592,00 20 518,00 12 880,00 15 469,00 18 018,00
Obesity, number of children (n) 3 939,00 4 178,00 7 077,00 4 480,00 5 347,00 6 205,00
Population belonging to the group concerned (n) 120 593,00 121 521,00 123 492,00 125 209,00 126 378,00 128 572,00
Coverage of height and weight data (%) 36,46 36,80 56,93 34,78 41,38 47,81
Prevalence of overweight (incl. obesity) (%) 26,97 28,15 29,18 29,58 29,58 29,31
Prevalence of obesity (%) 8,96 9,34 10,07 10,29 10,23 10,10
All ages Children with growth data in Avohimo, number (n) 185 650,00 187 044,00 287 035,00 185 784,00 212 199,00 238 092,00
Overweight (incl. obesity), number of children (n) 47 778,00 49 292,00 76 952,00 53 010,00 59 363,00 63 876,00
Obesity, number of children (n) 13 398,00 14 082,00 22 793,00 16 023,00 18 317,00 19 422,00
Population belonging to the group concerned (n) 461 688,00 460 513,00 458 363,00 454 838,00 448 832,00 444 864,00
Coverage of height and weight data (%) 40,21 40,62 62,62 40,85 47,28 53,52
Prevalence of overweight (incl. obesity) (%) 25,74 26,35 26,81 28,53 27,98 26,83
Prevalence of obesity (%) 7,22 7,53 7,94 8,62 8,63 8,16
Girls and boys 2-6 Children with growth data in Avohimo, number (n) 129 745,00 130 636,00 194 463,00 135 253,00 147 076,00 159 099,00
Overweight (incl. obesity), number of children (n) 25 309,00 25 493,00 37 552,00 29 101,00 30 290,00 30 381,00
Obesity, number of children (n) 5 568,00 5 706,00 8 408,00 6 828,00 7 412,00 6 845,00
Population belonging to the group concerned (n) 297 161,00 290 335,00 281 243,00 270 707,00 258 744,00 250 538,00
Coverage of height and weight data (%) 43,66 44,99 69,14 49,96 56,84 63,50
Prevalence of overweight (incl. obesity) (%) 19,51 19,51 19,31 21,52 20,59 19,10
Prevalence of obesity (%) 4,29 4,37 4,32 5,05 5,04 4,30
7-12 Children with growth data in Avohimo, number (n) 147 870,00 148 382,00 229 892,00 143 392,00 165 280,00 186 500,00
Overweight (incl. obesity), number of children (n) 32 429,00 33 238,00 52 539,00 35 287,00 40 548,00 43 745,00
Obesity, number of children (n) 7 929,00 8 376,00 13 790,00 9 747,00 11 237,00 12 053,00
Population belonging to the group concerned (n) 369 950,00 372 759,00 373 855,00 373 780,00 372 055,00 368 093,00
Coverage of height and weight data (%) 39,97 39,81 61,49 38,36 44,42 50,67
Prevalence of overweight (incl. obesity) (%) 21,93 22,40 22,85 24,61 24,53 23,46
Prevalence of obesity (%) 5,36 5,64 6,00 6,80 6,80 6,46
13-16 Children with growth data in Avohimo, number (n) 86 670,00 87 927,00 138 076,00 86 274,00 103 009,00 120 546,00
Overweight (incl. obesity), number of children (n) 20 417,00 21 372,00 34 323,00 21 684,00 25 966,00 29 911,00
Obesity, number of children (n) 5 707,00 6 079,00 10 175,00 6 451,00 7 642,00 8 882,00
Population belonging to the group concerned (n) 235 667,00 237 772,00 241 884,00 244 883,00 247 405,00 251 411,00
Coverage of height and weight data (%) 36,78 36,98 57,08 35,23 41,64 47,95
Prevalence of overweight (incl. obesity) (%) 23,56 24,31 24,86 25,13 25,21 24,81
Prevalence of obesity (%) 6,58 6,91 7,37 7,48 7,42 7,37
All ages Children with growth data in Avohimo, number (n) 364 285,00 366 945,00 562 431,00 364 919,00 415 365,00 466 145,00
Overweight (incl. obesity), number of children (n) 78 155,00 80 103,00 124 414,00 86 072,00 96 804,00 104 037,00
Obesity, number of children (n) 19 204,00 20 161,00 32 373,00 23 026,00 26 291,00 27 780,00
Population belonging to the group concerned (n) 902 778,00 900 866,00 896 982,00 889 370,00 878 204,00 870 042,00
Coverage of height and weight data (%) 40,35 40,73 62,70 41,03 47,30 53,58
Prevalence of overweight (incl. obesity) (%) 21,45 21,83 22,12 23,59 23,31 22,32
Prevalence of obesity (%) 5,27 5,49 5,76 6,31 6,33 5,96