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Lifestyle Child’s family has a meal together every day, % 78,2 78,0 78,1
Children eating fruit, berries and vegetables every day, % 32,9 36,0 34,4
Child does vigorous exercise for more than one hour per day on days off, % 81,0 75,2 78,1
Child spends at least 2 hours with digital devices on days off, % 54,3 49,1 51,7
Child spends at least 2 hours with digital devices on preschool days, % 12,9 10,9 11,9
Social situations Child’s behaviour is repeatedly antisocial, % 22,2 12,7 17,5
Child’s behaviour is repeatedly impulsive, % 41,6 34,4 38,1
Child’s behaviour is repeatedly disruptive, % 18,6 9,0 13,9
Violence and abuse Child has been bullied at home, in preschool or elsewhere, % 40,0 37,2 38,6
Parent or some other close person has been psychologically violent towards the child, % 48,7 45,9 47,3
Parent or another loved one has lost their temper with the child so badly that it was difficult to refrain from physically harming the child, % 15,4 12,6 14,0
Child has been exposed to binge drinking by one or both parents, % 14,4 15,8 15,1
Need for and receiving services Child has needed speech therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy or similar, % 42,0 29,8 36,0
Child has not received adequate speech therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy or similar services, % of those who needed services 33,1 36,3 34,4
Health insurance policy Child has private health insurance policy, % 57,0 54,5 55,8
Child has private health insurance policy that has been used in the last 12 months, % 33,7 30,0 31,9